Babieca, Iberian Palomina Mare,
14 years old, ideal hiking or Club
Babieca is 14 years old and was born on 10/10/2007. She measures 1m45+au-.
On the track, she is determined and hardworking. She does what we ask of her… She takes part in our lessons and our internships, she is really great even with the more beginner students. She even made our Open Day with little students and shows of all kinds (music, parasol, etc.)
She jumps a bar with no problem even bareback and we started to halter her. She is serene and accepts new things with enthusiasm.
She is really good for work on foot and has a great curiosity.
On a walk, she is really great. We took him on a 4-day hike in the Ardennes with watchtowers, galloping fields, crossing bridges, rivers, encounters with various traffic patterns linked to tourism….
She also participated in an evening at the lake with bareback swimming and bareback galloping in the fields. She was really brilliant, determined and attentive to her rider.
It can easily be mounted in a van or/and in a truck.
She currently lives in a large paddock with other horses but during the trek she was in a large meadow with 4 other horses and did very well. She respects the fences. She can also be in the box without worry and is serene there.
She can be in a group and then separated while remaining zen and is not especially gregarious.
It would be great for a rider to regain confidence, for a young student to learn and even for a child given its kindness. It can also be suitable for an adult who wants a nice and trustworthy horse to go for a ride or have fun on the track. She would also be ideal for a club because a super nice juju that everyone likes.
She really is a KIND mare with a BIG heart!
Babieca saw the dentist for a standard interview in June 2022 as well as the osteopath at the end of June 2022.
She is in order of Spanish passport with photo (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77







