Bimba, Iberian mare,
8 years old, very well built
Bimba was born on 10/01/2014, she is an Iberian mare with size and model.
She measures 1m65+au-.
Bimba appreciates the track and is already well dressed, she has qualities in dressage that her future rider will just need to continue to develop.
She is willful, has a pleasant and quite manageable energy, she "gives herself" for her human.
On a walk, she is really extra. She leaves alone, she can guide a group without worry or find herself behind the other horses without heating.
It really goes everywhere and can be ridden even by more beginner riders. One of our 12-year-old students came for a 2-hour ride with it and really enjoyed it.
We also took her swimming at the lake where she was outstanding. Our young students swam with her bareback in the lake and she went with a good heart and to please. Then, Athénaïs (13 years old) even galloped bareback in a meadow along the lake as she felt good on it.
She participated in a 3 day hike in Le Touquet with bareback galloping on the beach and even galloping in the sea, she was really great and even guided the group for a while.
She also took part in a weekend hike in the Anlier forest with one of our clients.
A pleasant mare, well in her head and who is really worth it!
It rides in van and truck very easily.
She is in order of Spanish passport with photos (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the cwbc, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Price: 7000€
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0493/96.48.01













