Cordero, Spanish Palomino Gelding,
6 years old, cute
Cordero was born on July 20, 2014 and will therefore be 6 years old.
He measures 1m57+au- and is really well made, he has a super pretty head (as we would say at home, " une bouille à bisous ") and he looks a bit like a barbie horse. He has horsehair, he has good, wide limbs.
He is a really adorable horse, he lives in a box next to another horse and does not have a dominant behavior at all, he is very nice and gentle.
Cordero is very easy and rather " froid ", he doesn't board, shoot, or take hands. It might even be necessary to push him a little to get into a canter, but as soon as he canters he maintains his pretty, collected canter, which is very comfortable.
In his video, you will see him being ridden by a 9 and a half year old child, even on a walk. It's going to be exemplary !
He might even give someone back his confidence because he is extremely gentle and easy going.
He is a curious horse who is interested in everything, he is not afraid of anything on a ride, he goes alone even in the middle of the rain without looking at anything (truck, dog, color change, traffic, headlight, etc.) . It would also be great for ground work and freedom because very curious and want to " bien faire ", finally it would also be very good for entertainment given its beauty and kindness.
In short, you will have understood it is a nice horse who deserves a family at the top !
To try it is to adopt it !
He is in order of Spanish passport (not full paper), registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0492/66.67.69
