Diamante CLXVI, black PRE mare Apta, 7 years old
Diamante was born on 04/15/2015 and is therefore 7 years old.
She is a very pretty all-black mare who measures 1m65, she has a beautiful, well-typed morphology.
Diamante has excellent origins: on the father's side, we find a lot of Viuda de Terry as well as Escalera. Ella's great-grandfather is the famous Ermitano III (Mejorante breeder, elite breeder). On her mother's side, the origins are just as interesting with a lot of Yeguada Militar.
In 2022, Diamante made us a superb filly isabelle (with our stallion Cataro):Idyll of the Luz.
It is full for May 2023 of our superbSuperior SG, Sotogil origins. Superior is a super black stallion with a baroque model and all in roundness. A short back with super mobility. It is trained passage, paw, show, … Many photos are available on our website and it is possible to meet it at our breeding.
We have applied to ANCCE for the genetic code of Diamante which is the following ggaaEECCNPrl. She is tested black but with interesting genetics for reproduction since she carries the pearl.
Under saddle, she is a very quality mare that we broke in with love and quietly when she arrived from Spain when she was 4 years old.
She is in order of ANCCE Pure Spanish Breed passport, color genetic test which can be interesting for a breeder (black - not carrying the gray gene), titularity card, mutation document, registered with the CWBC, in order of Flu vaccines Tetanus +Rhinopneumonia, vermifuge, dentist, osteo.
Video: (in progress)
Price: (to be defined)
​Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0493/96.48.01
