Eden, Filly PRE x Criollo,
2019 black magpie superb
Born on May 16, 2019 by a tricolor Criollo mare and our black PRE stallion with Sotogil origins, Lebrero SG.
Eden is a filly from a very interesting cross. His mum is an excellent trail mare and his dad is an incredibly kind horse.
We thought of keeping her to breed but we have choices to make (particular year).
Eden is well handled, goes for a walk (even in traffic), rides in a van easily, gives her feet, lets herself be dressed, …
She lives in a herd with other horses of all ages and is not dominant. She has already lived in a box but for 1 year, she has been living in a meadow or paddock with shelters open 24 hours a day with unlimited hay and vitamin E.
She is a nice filly with size and chic.
She is in order of CWBC Belgian passport, transfer document, tetanus rhino flu vaccines, trimming, deworming.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86
Nous avons eu la chance qu'Eden, après avoir été vendue à une personne extra, soit restée à nos côtés pour le débourrage et ses premières randos....
Elle est vraiment à la hauteur de ses parents...
Elle est pleine de notre étalon pour 2024.... <3