Fleur de Lery, Pure Comtoise Full Paper Mare, 5 years old
Fleur was born on May 31, 2015 and is chestnut with washed horsehair. It is a full-paper Pure Comtoise.
Her parents are Bijou Marine and Ultime de Lery.
She is a super mare with size (she measures 1m65+au-). It is super well made, very bone, very compact and very supportive.
Fleur is very well harnessed and has a little less trade under the saddle but she is nevertheless super nice.
We've already gone for a ride with her and she goes everywhere, we also went to Lac du Barrage to swim with her and she wasn't at all scared (despite a Jetski and waterski race making noise, waves and figures next to her).
Fleur is very close to humans, she loves hugs.
She lives in the meadow with other horses and she is super easy, she is dominated and does not have an ounce of wickedness.
She does not move at the tie and appreciates the grooming.
She is in order with a full Comtois paper passport, registered with the CWBC, vaccines, trimming and deworming.
Full of Cataro for June 2021
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86
