Imperia, Iberian Filly, 2022,
size and model
Filly born on September 7, 2022, out of our Iberian mare Baya (who has size and bone, a real baroque model and super pleasant under the saddle)
She will measure 1m60+au-.
Imperia is really well made, a short back and a very expressive head.
She has pretty raised gaits and a great energy that will really be a plus at work.
She will be gray like her mother.
Imperia will be weaned around 6 months (March 2023). In the meantime, we manipulate her (putting on the halter, taking the feet, getting into the van...
She is in order of passport (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the cwbc, dewormer.
Price: €3000 (payment in installments possible but deposit required upon booking).
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0493/96.48.01

Imperia grandit et devient une très jolie jeune fille, proche de l'homme et curieuse