Laina, Cremello Iberian mare, 6 years old, very endearing
Born on July 22, 2015, Laina is a very pretty, well-made mare with a very chic model. She measures 1m57+au- and is very harmonious.
Laina loves ground work and needs us to take the time to create a real relationship in order to give herself completely to her rider.
It is very easy at 3 gaits on the track and is really great for outings. She excels in this field and can take you wherever you want… She goes ABSOLUTELY everywhere, can guide a group, find herself in the middle. She really is a very good touring mare. She also guides, with my partner, almost all our Sunday walks.
We went swimming with her at the lake, even bareback and she was great: voluntary and exceptional.
She also took part in a hike to the Abbaye d'Aulne with a lot of traffic. She also took part in the Val Joly hike in June.
We are in the process of teaching her the recumbent and we think she could be great for free work or show.
She is in order of Spanish passport (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing and deworming.
She can be bred to our Purebred Spanish stallion Palomino Cataro JL for a 100% colored foal.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77