CF Merlin, Welsh Pony
born sept 19 21, too cute
Merlin is a pretty bay colt but who will probably be gray like his mother. He is the foal of our marewakana(grey welsh) and a prairie cocktail.
Merlin is a pretty gray colt. He is the foal of our mare Wakana (grey welsh) and a prairie cocktail.
Since we didn't know when Wakana was full, Merlin was born in the meadow with other horses, all alone like a grown-up. When we arrived he was already standing at the bottom of his pretty mother.
We took him back to the stables for a few days to get to know each other, then he went back to the pasture with his friends. Since December, he has been back in our stables in boxes. We handled him gently, he lets himself be put on the halter, starts riding well in a van, lets himself be brushed, goes for a walk in the village on a longe (traffic ok, speed bumps, etc.)
He is handsome, alert, kind and he is not afraid because he has already crossed the village and met cars and others.
We are looking for a loving family for him. He has just been gently weaned.
Wakana (his mother) is visible on our website. She is an excellent hiker and a good jumper. She teaches children/teenagers at the stable.
Merlin is in passport order, transfer document, CWBC registered, in deworming order.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77