Rociera HTB, gray Iberian mare, strong baroque, 9 years old, top rando
She measures 1m60+au-, she was born on 6/02/2013 and is 9 years old.
Rociera is a very pleasant, poised and valiant mare.
On the track, it does what is asked of it, but where it excels is on the go!
She's a great outdoor mare, she walks in front and can guide the ride or go behind other horses without getting upset. She has a sure step and is very comfortable on steep paths.
She took part in a 4-day hike in the Ardennes with watchtowers, galloping fields, crossing bridges, rivers, encounters with various traffic patterns linked to tourism….
We also took her to the lake for a bareback swim and she was great, even with my rider's daughter who is 5 years old.
She was also ridden by my rider and her daughter on a two-seater saddle with 3 gaits, she was attentive and respectful.
She is really a good mare, carrying and pleasant under the saddle. It is suitable for all types of riders.
It can easily be mounted in a van or/and in a truck.
She currently lives in a box but during the ride she was in a large meadow with 4 other horses and behaved very well. She respects the fences.
She is in order of Spanish passport with photo (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77



