Cacerena, bay Iberian mare,
big size, cute
Cacerena was born on 05/15/2018 and is therefore 4 years old. She measures 1m65+au-.
Despite her young age, this great lady goes for a walk alone and does not look at anything, she is courageous and frank.
On a ride, she goes everywhere even in a large group of horses, she does not heat up and enjoys the hike. We took her swimming at the lake and she was great, even bareback. We also galloped bareback in a large meadow.
On the track, it is to be done by hand but is nevertheless promising. She is worth taking the time to get it right, we have started this and she is good at all 3 gaits and starting to work more.
She lives in a box surrounded by other horses.
She rides in a van easily.
She is in order of Spanish passport with photo (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Video: (in progress)
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77



