Tiburana, chestnut Iberian mare,
6 years old, very nice
She was born on 03/02/2016 and is therefore 6 years old.
Tiburana toise 1m55+au-.
On the track, it is rather to put in its hand but learns quickly.
On a walk, she is really reassuring, with a very zen naturalness, she puts her rider very at ease.
She took part in a 3-day trek in Picardy where she was great (crossing bridges, traffic of all kinds, wind, group of 11 horses without heating, etc.).
She went into the sea (the first and voluntarily to guide the group for this discovery).
We galloped on the beach bareback, and made the return rope at 3 gaits (direction good but stop still to be refined).
She participated in a 3-day hike with a 12-year-old teenager (riding with a halter the whole hike) and she was great. Tiburana even did part of the hike in front, led by her young rider, Lara.
She was swimming in the lake with it.
Tiburana participated in the Joyeuse Entrée de Beaumont (October 2022) with fanfares, processions, cascading fire, drums, bagpipes and she behaved really well for a first and given her young age as well. She is promising!
You will understand, she is voluntary and a very nice juju.
She can live in a box (as is currently the case with us) or in a paddock (as was the case during the hike – even with high winds and storms!)
She saw the dentist for a standard interview in June 2022 as well as the osteopath at the end of June 2022.
She rides easily in a truck.
She is in order of Spanish passport with photo (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77


