Utilillero VIII,
PRE stallion isabelle apto, 6 years old
Utilillero is a superb isabelle stallion with a golden coat.
He was born on 05/11/2015 and measures 1m65.
He is a horse with a lot of chic who seduces his riders very easily because he is diligent and very pleasant under the saddle.
He already has some basics in dressage: placed at 3 gaits, leg sessions, etc. He wants to please his rider and does what he is asked to do. Although he is still a stallion, he is concentrated in the work.
It can be suitable for leisure or entertainment. He learns quickly and likes to give.
It also jumps a small bar without worry.
On a walk, he is not observant and enjoys the moment.
He lives in a box next to other horses.
He can also be sold and neutered with us if his new owner wishes. He can also be a very nice breeding stallion who will be able to pass on his cream gene to his future offspring and his pretty color.
He is in order of ANCCE passport (full paper), Spanish title card, transfer document registered with the CWBC, deworming, shoeing.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86


