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Zubba, super friendly gelding,

12 years old, top hiker

Zubba is the horse of a friend of ours who mainly rode for short or medium duration, regularly in the summer and  sporadically in the winter. He lived in the meadow with other horses. Following the move of our friend to the city, he can no longer keep him and entrusted him to us in order to find him a good family.


Zubba was born on 20/04/2008, toise 1m65+au- and is a fairly buoyant model, he can suit all types of riders (from the most beginner who wants to learn and follow another horse quietly without taking the hand, or a more confirmed rider who will put it forward).


On the piste, he has less experience but is nevertheless super easy. It does what it is asked of it even with the youngest students (see video), it can also be ridden bareback at 3 gaits, you can stand up, go around the world etc….


On a ride, he is a great horse that goes everywhere and is very easy. He has the experience of years of hiking near the Hour Water Dams in the woods, roads, galloping in the fields…. He doesn't take the hand and is mostly ridden American style.

A very nice horse that will put you at ease.


He is in order of passport, transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of parrage (bare feet and very good feet), vaccines and vermifuge.


Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86

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